All classes taught by NCBTMB approved Continuing Education providers and are accepted by the Arkansas Department of Health for Continuing Education.
We have several Continuing Education Classes and all are in person classes. Full descriptions for each class below.
All classes are held at the school at 28 S. College #5, Fayetteville, Arkansas
6 hour classes 9 -3
9 hour days 9 – 6
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Creative Healing for Women – 18 hour class
Tthis two day Continuing Education class is a quick introduction to several of the Creative Healing applications
Day 1
Head and Neck and lower back.
Working with the lymphatic system for puffiness and swelling that leads to headaches or low back pain.
Part 2
The Belly and the breath.
Working with the digestive system for optimum and correct elimination.
Releasing the diapraghm for stress relief and relaxation.
Enertropic Therapy

Enertropic Therapy – Basics and Advanced- 6 hour classes
Enertropic Therapy is approved for Continuing Education by the state of Arkansas and the NCBTMB
Enertropic Therapy is a type of neuromuscular work similar to body reflexology. It pairs tsubo like points in the fascia to release pain in the body.
Day 1 – The Basic class introduces the work, the pattern most therapists find themselves accessing for pain in the shoulders, legs and hips.
The work is quick and effective in releasing pain patterns that may have been held in the fascia for years.
Day 2 – The Advanced class includes all 4 patterns and how to link them up by using paired points to release pain anywhere in the body. This neuromuscular work uses the piezoelectric potential in the fascia to release pain sensations. This may happen within seconds if done correctly. Headaches, neck pain, joint pain, abdominal issues. Whatever.
I will also show you how to work as tandem therapists on the same client as well as how to do Enertropic Therapy for self care.
You will need your linens only. This work is done with clothes on.
100 hour Certification Class for Continuing Education
For Massage Therapists and other Practitioners
You may choose a class from 6 to 18-hour continuing education classes depending on your needs and desire for knowledge. Browse the descriptions below and learn more about what we have to offer.
Certification as a Stephenson's Method Practitioner is awarded after the entire group of 5 module classes and the student can perform a series of applications correctly.
To receive certification as an instructor the student must take the class twice, take a practice exam, and be approved by an approved instructor. In the United States at present, the Black Brook School of Massage is the only massage school in the country teaching this modality. Brenda Schwarzbach has been teaching Creative Healing since 2002 and is a Master Teacher.
Module 1 - Head and Neck, Shoulders and Arms - 18 hours
History, Ethics, Principals, and equipment. Technique applications will include general lymphatic drainage, sinus, and ear congestion, face pain, support for neuralgia in the head, and cosmetic facelift. Also learn to reduce congestion in the throat, eye support, headache, and migraine relief. You will learn separate massage movements for pain in the arms including: carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, nerve pain in the hands, Dupuytren's contracture, wrist pain. We will also address pain between the shoulders and working around the scapula.
Module 2 - Hips Back and Sciatica
This unit includes some special myofascial and lymphatic massage for the back. Working with releasing the tissue around the spine, pelvis, decongesting the kidneys, sciatic and leg pain.
This unit is specific for sciatica also includes: nerve support for whiplash, myofascial movements for helping to release nerve impingement in the legs and feet, sprained ankle, restless leg syndrome, and plantar fasciitis.
Module 3 - The digestive organs, diaphragm, and heart- Abdominal Massage for the digestive organs, heart, and diaphragm. Abdominal toning, and decongesting the tissue around the Gall Bladder, Liver, Spleen, and Pancreas. Wonderful relaxing applications for stress, anxiety, depression and shortness of breath.
Relieving stress in the chest and the diaphragm is great for both men and women.
Module 5 - The Female Treatments and Creative Healing for Women - A review of the applications for lower back pain and how they are modified for pregnancy. Applications for PMS, pain in the lower abdomen, and movements specifically recommended for the Gentle Birth Method. Female disorders, incontinence, and infertility and menopause.
Module 6 - This is a 100-hour certificate student class only. Asthma, lung congestion, constipation, dislodged tailbone, children and infant applications for colic and constipation, ear problems. Male issues including stress, infertility, back pain and others.
Clinical practice and exams will be scheduled for the completion of this class. Completion of the certificate class will also allow you to qualify to become a globally recognized Gentle Birth Method Practioner.
Article from Insider linked to our website

Beyond Basics Head, Neck and Sinus’s 6-hour class
I teach this class to all of my massage diploma students.
Beyond Basics Head and Neck – 6 hours
Continuing Education classes need to give you information you can use with your clients immediately and be presented in a fun and engaging way.
This class includes:
- Introduction
- History
- Basic concepts and principals
- Using a bench and olive oil
- General treatment
- Headaches and migraines
- Sinus, stuffy ears without inflammation
- Pain in the face
- Face lift
Needs for class – hand towel, linens, table, oil

Beyond Basics Shoulders and Arms 6 hour class
Beyond Basics Shoulders and Arms – 6-Hour Continuing Education classes
This Stephenson’s class combined with Swedish massage addresses the following issues that concern many massage therapists and clients
- Pain in the arm
- Frozen Shoulder
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Ganglions
- Restless arms
- Tennis elbow
- Golfer’s elbow
- Rotator cuff injury
- Dupuytren’s contracture
- Arthritis
- Jammed finger
- Painful thumbs
There will be discussion for specific issues of arms and hands for massage therapists.
You will need a hand towel, bath towel, your linens

Stephenson’s Method for Hips, Back and Sciatica – 12 hour class
Therapists who work with back pain on a frequent basis will find these Continuing Education classes invaluable.
The Creative Healing application for Hips, Back and Sciatica is one for people with acute or chronic lordosis and sciatica.
The class also includes information and techniques for:
- Pain in hips, legs, knees and feet, including both muscular and nerve pain.
- Discomfort in the kidney region
- Twisted hip
- How to use the low back and sciatic treatment in prenatal clients
- Applications of the sciatic treatment in the elderly with chronic pain issues.
There is ample demonstration and hands on training
Needs for class – linens, table, hand towel, large bath towel
Brenda Schwarzbach

Owner and lead instructor at the Black Brook School
Classes and Continuing Education for a new millennia.
Stephenson’s Natural Healthcare Method

Honoring the Belly – 12 hour class
Creative Healing application for the digestive system (this class is included in Module 4)
Discussion of how abdominal massage may help low back pain
How this is used during pregnancy
Thoughts on diabetes, fibromyalgia, depression, celiac disease, gluten intolerance,
- yeast overgrowth and other digestive issues
Abdominal toning
Needs for class – linens, table, breast drape for women, hand towel,
Demonstration with Lots of hands on experience as always!
Creative Healing for Prenatal Clients 18 hour class

Prenatal Class for CE’s
The bulk of the class will be the applications of Stephenson’s Creative Healing used for the second and third trimesters.
The Arkansas approved continuing education class includes several of the Creative Healing treatments Dr Gowri Motha ObGyn uses in her Gentle Birth Method Programme in London, England, but does not cover Dr. Motha’s philosophy and recommendations outside of the Creative Healing treatments.
- Relax and support your prenatal client
- Reduce morning sickness symptoms
- Optimize digestion and pancreatic function
- Increase energy
- Boost the immune system
- Boost kidney function by stimulating the lymphatic system
- Decongest the tissue of the pelvis
If you like to work with prenatal clients who are committed to having a natural birth this is a wonderful class.
Gentle Birth Method Short Course – 24 hour class
In this NCBTMB approved continuing education class, we will explore the philosophy and the foundation of Dr. Gowri Motha ObGyn program. including her thoughts about why she has spent the last 25 years developing Gentle Birth Method. We will touch briefly on diet and nutrition, herbs, and the use of Ayurvedic medicine, reflexology, visualizations and Bowen technique. The bulk of the class will be the applications of Stephenson’s Creative Healing used for the second and third trimesters.
The class includes all of the Creative Healing treatments Dr. Motha uses in her Gentle Birth Method Programme in London, England with prenatal clients from all over the world. The applications you will learn will do the following:
- Reduce nausea and vomiting
Optimize digestion and pancreatic function
Increase energy levels
Reduce breathlessness
Reduce anxiety and stress
Eliminate back and neck pain
Eliminate sciatica
Stimulate the lymphatic system in all key areas of the body, especially the pelvis
If you like to work with prenatal clients who are committed to having a natural birth this is a wonderful class. This class is only NCBTMB approved.

Back To Basics 100 Hour class – revitalize your work!
100 hour Back to Basics class may be take in all or part.
This Arkansas approved class allows licensed therapists to learn the massage techniques taught at the Black Brook School. If you would like to improve your flow and techniques around the table in both a Swedish and a deep tissue massage, join us to revitalize your work. This class is also approved for those wishing to either apply for the Interstate license or upgrade your Arkansas Massage license to Master or Instructor. This class is taught with the 500-hour diploma students.
Class hours are 9-5PM during the first half of the Black Brook School of Massage Curriculum.

Honoring the Breath – 12 hour class
Creative Healing applications for the lungs, diaphragm and Heart
This class is included in Module 4 and works primarily with the fascial restrictions that may prevent your client from taking a deep breath.
Mr. Stephenson’s ideas on breathing and how the lungs work.
Mr. Stephenson’s thoughts about tight clothing and chilling the lungs
Brief refresher on the anatomy of breathing
Relax the shoulders, serratus anterior and subscapularis to free the breath with myofacial releases
Relaxing and/or engaging the diaphragm.
Understanding the way ribs move and releasing the intercostals.
Using a refex pattern of myofascial points to quiet the heart rhythm and the whole body.
Use of the quarter turns along the spine to release the ribcage from the back.
needs for class – linens, table, breast drape for women, hand towel, oil.

Other Classes not currently scheduled
Brenda Schwarzbach has several CE classes that are not currently schedule and information on each is supplied below
Therapeutic Stretch Class

Therapeutic Stretch – 6 hour class – Arkansas Department of Health approved only
I love this class and it is broken up into two parts
Part 1 is for the therapist. Let’s learn those holding patterns you have as a therapist or other activities you do on a regular basis and find stretches that will target those problem areas for you.
Part 2 is for your clients. Using soft tissue release and other active and passive stretches I will show you ways to stretch the client while on the table.Needs for class: day 1 soft clothes you can stretch in, a blanket or yoga mat for the floor, Day 2 you will need your table and linens.
and no we won’t be throwing each other into the air, but its a cool idea!